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Title text reads, The Mysteries of Life with Tim and Moby. Moby dips a mop in a bucket of floor cleanser. Tim enters and holds his nose.

TIM: Ugh! What's that smell?

Moby beeps. Tim picks up the cleanser and looks at the label.

TIM: Hey, shouldn't you be diluting this stuff?

Moby shrugs and beeps.

TIM: I guess we're lucky the floor's still here.

Tim reads from a typed letter.

TIM: Dear Tim and Moby, can you explain ratios and when we should use them? From, Nan Ellen. Well, Moby should have used a ratio to make his cleaning solution. A ratio compares two quantities by division. They come in handy when you want to compare a part of something to the whole. When you see instructions like, 1 part floor cleanser to 10 parts water, you know that a ratio is involved.

On-screen, the container's label reads: mix 1 part cleanser to 10 parts water. This is illustrated by a graphic of 2 green squares above 10 blue squares.

TIM: In the case of the cleaning solution, it’s the parts water divided by the parts floor cleanser. Or, as we say in ratio land, 10 to 1.

On-screen, the ratio, 10 to 1, appears.

TIM: Parts, is just a placeholder unit. If you use 1 cup of cleanser, you'd use 10 cups of water. 1 gallon of cleanser; 10 gallons of water.

On-screen, 1 small green square appears next to 10 small blue squares. Underneath, 1 large green square appears next to 10 large blue squares.

TIM: You can write ratios in 3 ways. All of these forms signify the ratio, 10 to 1.

On-screen, 3 written versions of the ratio appear. They read, 10 colon 1; 10 over 1; and 10 to 1. Moby beeps.

TIM: We can write another ratio that compares the total number of squares on this floor, to the number of black squares. Our floor has 48 squares in total, and 24 of them are black.

On-screen, the floor appears. It is checkered with black and white tiles. Text reads, 48 squares total, and 24 black squares.

TIM: That’s a ratio of 48 to 24.

On-screen, the ratio, 48 to 24, appears.

TIM: Like a fraction, this ratio can be reduced, to 2 to 1.

On-screen, the ratio, 2 to 1, appears.

TIM: So, for every 2 squares on the floor, 1 is black. Make sense?

Moby beeps.

TIM: Great. I'll go get some water to dilute this cleaning solution.

On-screen, Tim slips and falls to the ground.

TIM: Whoa! Whoops!

Moby beeps.

TIM: Oh. Slippery, eh? Well, thanks for the warning. I'll be sure to watch my step.
